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Discover Bell Joy Ride: McCall, ID

McCall Bell Joy Rides are all about bringing joy to ones self by getting out and riding your bike.

There's nothing better than being part of one's journey discovering bikes and the lifestyle that the sport offers. We find so much joy in helping others learn the local trails, teaching basic mountain biking skills, and helping to instill confidence in new riders.

Meet Ambassador Gwen

Jaclyn Delacroix
It's so much fun to see all the ladies in our community come out and ride!

I hail from: McCall, Idaho

But I have roots in: Colorado

I pay my rent/mortgage by: Making dog toys, selling wine and teaching fitness classes

My guilty pleasure is: Taking naps

When I was little, I wanted to grow up and be: A professional skier — I succeeded!

Now that I’m all growed up, I really want to: Travel the world

The best time I ever had on a bike was: I can't pinpoint just one, we have amazing rides here in Idaho

The worst time I ever had on a bike was: Crashing last year, by myself, 3 miles from the trailhead, going full speed

I love being a Bell Joy Ride Ambassador because: It's so much fun to see all the ladies in our community come out and ride, improve their riding ability and meet people to ride with

My mama always used to say: One day you'll understand (interpret that how you want, lol)

I’ve always wanted a pet: Dog, which I have!

Because: My Cookie Monster, he's taught me a lot more about myself than I knew!

Shout out to: Hometown Sports in McCall

Because: They have been sponsoring our rides with bikes, techs and extra swag!

My five favorite words are: Expletives, haha! 1: Game on 2: Let's do it 3: Awesome 4: Nap time 5: Hell yeah

Check Out Gwen’s Helmet of Choice

Bell Sixer


I’m loving my Sixer helmet!! It fits so much better than any other helmet I’ve had in the past!

Shop the Product

Built to Lead

See the full line of helmets
4Forty with MIPS


Super Air R

Super Air R

Z20 with MIPS
